Hex hex map maker
Hex hex map maker

hex hex map maker

If you form a pocket with no enemy supply producing hex inside and no connection to the capital, eventually it will shrink to nothing if there are no enemy units inside without you having to send units into every single enemy hex (although you can, that just speeds up this process).Īs far as battle planning, because there are so many units and individual air and naval units are controlled (and individual missiles to load into units), you will likely delegate the AI to control most of your units for you.

hex hex map maker

If the enemy has units with supply (not necessarily in supply) outside of the city, they will exert control over hexes in their 1 hex radius and your automatic shrinking of the pocket stops, if you have units with supply, they will speed up this shrinking of the pocket by exerting control over their 1 hex radius. If you pocket the enemy and they have a city inside, control of hexes around the city will slowly shrink until they only control the immediate 1 hexes around the city. The concept of territorial control in SRU is almost entirely based around supply to your capital or a supply generating point (usually a city). Especially since units can't draw supply from hexes in bad terrain as well, usually if the AI does stupidly send tanks into northern Russia tundra, they will literally run out of gas and sit there until they slowly build back enough supply to keep moving or the AI has supply air or land vehicles to come resupply them on the move. Unlike the continuous front lines of Paradox games, the AI will tend to prioritize gathering forces to garrison cities, identify the closest enemy city, decide if they have enough forces to attack and then move along the direct road or rail path to the enemy city in a column or several columns to attack it. Since cities are the primary supply generating hex and also carry the most supply, they are the priority targets for the AI. This leads the AI to prioritize movement along roads and rail in particular, especially since those primarily link cities together.

hex hex map maker

Even fast units will move relatively slowly in bad terrain (though faster than other units) and some units can't cross river hexes without a bridge for example, unless they have that ability (although you can micro your engineers to act as bridging units, allowing anyone to cross so long as your engineer stays on the hex). Terrain and terrain improvements (road, rail and bridges) affect movement speed regardless of the unit's base speed stat. Terrain is a huge part because of how the AI and supply in particular works. I should also mention for scale, it's got a WW1, WW2, Cold War and Modern day scenarios, with thousands of units (for each country) moving on the map at the same time, to the point that researching and launching enough spy satellites (which eventually can remove fog of war entirely) actually can cause horrible lag, as now you are seeing all units across the globe moving. Terrain, supply and prioritization/battle planning. In particular there's next to no diplomacy but they added a mode to switch countries in a save finally, so you can always switch out and accept your own proposal.

hex hex map maker

Yes, as mentioned it's hex based, but I think what the OP wants to highlight are the 3 key things that make it superior as a wargame, although not necessarily as a strategy game. To be fair, with each generation of Paradox games heaping ever more provinces on the map, eventually it will become a functionally hex based map in fact if not in name. So basically frontlines move not based on provinces but based on battalion advancement(yes i now you think this would make provinces useless, but you still get capture provinces modifier if the province is in your part of the frontline, so province still have value), this game doesnt have sieges as far as we know, so this type of frontlines are great and would bring a new air to this game with a new graphic design and let be honest would be more realistic and would be more dynamic and fun to watch. So with the frontline rework and all the warfare rework, i think the frontlines need a rework, seeing this game will be going a different path than all the paradox grand strategy games, they should make frontlines move differently, i dont know if someone have played supreme ruler, but they frontline system is dynamic, and i like it, i have never seen another strategy game with that kind of system, and with the new vic3 warfare system were generals are the one advancing and you just command, having a new dinamic frontline system like the one in supreme ruler would be awesome.

Hex hex map maker